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2018 Season Board Meeting

Posted by Continental Little League on Sep 18 2017 at 08:12AM PDT in 2017 Season


Tomorrow night (Tuesday 9/19) we will dissolve the old board and elect the new one that will serve for the 2018 season. If you can give a little or a lot of time to Little League, or you would like a voice in how things are done, be sure to be there, or send an e-mail to cllflagtaff@gmail.com to let us know you are willing to serve. We will meet at Knoles Elementary in the music room. This next year we will be rewriting the local rules (bylaws) for our league, so if you want to see something different, this is the year to be involved. Plus, many of our key leaders will be moving on as their boys have gotten past little league age, so come help!


2017-09-18T08:52:36.000-07:00September 18 2017, at 08:52 AM PDT, Lynnette Swain said:

the email address listed on this notice isn’t working.

2017-09-18T10:59:32.000-07:00September 18 2017, at 10:59 AM PDT, Marcela Hiel said:

Hi the email address isn’t working. I even tried cllflagstaff@gmail.com and that one is not working either. What is the correct email address please?